Message from Lilian Madrid Antunes,
mother of Fredy Villanueva
Almost two years have passed since my son Fredy was unfairly killed by Constable Jean-Loup Lapointe from the Montreal police. Despite the fact that he is the victim, the police attorneys now try to pretend that he is responsible for his own death. Since my son had an innocent life without any stain, they don't know how to justify unjustifiable. They refuse to admit that the murderers are the officers; Lapointe didn't shoot for self-defense, he killed Fredy in vain. In place of investigating the circumstances of Fredy's death, the police attorneys spend all their time going through the witness’s criminal records so they can discredit them. I used to think that the public inquiry was only about the facts and circumstances surrounding Fredy's death, but in practice, it has become the victim's trial.
I send you this invitation to commemorate the loss of Fredy, to keep his memory alive forever and to bring the real culprit before justice; that his death don't stay unknown like many others and that never again will a mother suffer like I did and still do, since everyday in the public inquiry courtroom I live through it again. All I ask is justice against my son's murderer; if we don’t make justice, the police will continue to commit crimes against our youth.
I also ask your support to stop the deportation of my other son, Dany. I wouldn't stand a second loss. One of my sons has already been taken away from me and now they want to take the other. I ask all the community to support me and to stand up in this struggle for Truth and Justice for Fredy and the two other young men who have been wounded that day.